Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility 2020 Midwest Un-Fair Horse Show!

Welcome to the 2020 Midwest Un-Fair Horse Show!

Questions or feedback can be sent to:
Visit our Facebook page for ongoing updates at:
Prize Bill
Registration Form and Waivers
Online Registration
The online registration period has closed - if you still need to register please prepare entries using the paper registration packet and call show secretary Marilyn Jesse at 319-931-2990 to reserve stalls.

State Fairs are great for highlighting the Saddlebred, Hackney, and related breeds at their horse shows. But...unfortunately due to the circumstances of 2020 all of the state fairs in our area have been canceled. After discussing the need with many trainers and exhibitors in our area it was decided that a substitute horse show was critical for our business. Therefore we are announcing the 2020 Un-Fair Horse Show!

When? Save the dates for a great 3-day show program on August 14-16, 2020.

Where? We are reopening the famous Hippodrome at the National Cattle Congress grounds in Waterloo, Iowa. This centrally located horse show facility hosted some of the largest horse shows in the Midwest for much of the 20th century. However, due to unfortunate circumstances, the facility has been underutilized for the last two decades. WE ARE VERY PROUD to be the first horse show to reopen the full Hippodrome facility for a horse show in a long time. This arena is a true gem in the region and we hope our show is the first of many to be held at these hallowed grounds once again.

This will be the best horse show that our group of lifelong horse people on the show committee can muster! The show will be affiliated with several regional and national governance and points associations will have classes for everyone from serious show horses & ponies to academy participants, and will be as classy and well run as we can make it in the timeline we have all while keeping participation affordable! Please like & follow this page for future updates, the class list, and entry information!

YOU! This show will be for exhibitors and fans of Saddlebreds, Hackney's, and our friends who show English, Western, Hunt, and Open at quality shows. Do you want to help put on this important 2020 event? Write to us at<\/span><\/p>


Hackney exhibitors: We KNOW you have lost important events, especially the Illinois State Fair. We are building a substitute show that works for you. Need a class? We will have TBD space.

Saddlebred exhibitors: 
You also have lost important events. We're building a complete show for you, will make TBD events available, and will look to the past for things our industry NEEDS. Remember Full Mane & Tail where your horses were a little wild? We got that...and more.

Academy barns:
Bring the kids! We will have a complete Academy session on Saturday morning. Need a class? A split? A hold? Just let us know.

Hunt\/Western\/Trail Exhibitors:
Come on! We remember what a Bridlepath class is, and we appreciate where the Hunt division is going...come on in!

Training horses: 
Need a single-bit class...we'll have them.

Everyone else: 
Need a Friesian class? A Morgan split? A key equitation qualifier? Let us know...we'll do our best!

Follow the horse show on Facebook for updates!

E-mail us at

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